Right on Time | Mobile App

“Right in time means before a deadline.
Right on time means at a time previously specified or agreed upon.”


This app is to help people to be on time for their meetings, appointments or any other personal/social commitments.

What this App will do

  • It will calculate the time needed to travel from point A to point B.
    The time will be estimated on a commute method chosen by a user
    on this particular day (walk, bike, bus, car).
  • This app will need access to a user calendar/schedule to “see” when and what time the next appointment or meeting is scheduled.
  • Other supporting information will be accessed through–local weather network, local transit network, maps and GPS.
  • The main information that the user needs to provide at the beginning of a day is her/his method of commuting in current day
    (walk, bike, bus, car).
  • The app will collect all other information and it will send a reminder/message to the user that it is time to leave if the user would like to be on time for her/his next appointment.
  • The user can set how early they would like to be informed/reminded to leave for example –10 min before–“Your next appointment is at 5.00 pm. If you would like to be on time you should leave in 10 min”.


  • Using an empathy map helped to precisely describe a persona and create a journey map. Both of these were used to determine particular steps for user flow.
Mobil App – persona
Mobil App – journey map
  • By using card sorting method I designed a simple and easy to use navigation menu.
  • I then interviewed potential user and was able to collect helpful feedback to improve my project.
  • After verification of all information, I created user flow and wire frame. After those steps I designed a low-fidelity mockup.
  • I used the low-fidelity mockup to process a cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation which were very helpful with correcting some elements such as: names for buttons and eliminating unnecessary “click”.